Health Experts Team
The world always looks brighter from behind a smile.

Dr Robert Lin believes in the importance of developing collaborative working relationships with other health professions in order to achieve the best possible outcome for his patients. Some of the medical and allied health professionals that he regularly consults with are:-
Medical specialist also known as otolaryngologist trained in disorders of the head and neck in particular the ears, nose and throat (ENT).
Medical specialist also known as allergist trained in prevention, diagnosis, management and treatment of allergic diseases
Medical specialist trained in diagnosis and treatment of sleep related conditions such as excessive snoring, obstructive and central sleep apnoea, insomnia, narcolepsy and circadian rhythm disorders.
Medical and dental specialist trained to resolve injuries or issues in the head and neck of both hard and soft tissues using surgical procedures.
Dental specialist trained in the interpretation of diagnostic imaging used for examining craniofacial, dental and adjacent structures
Medical practitioner trained to identify and treat the root cause of diseases (not symptoms).
Allied health professionals focusing on the body’s musculoskeletal structures such as muscles, joints and spine.
Allied health professional trained in myofunctional therapy which involves neuromuscular reprogramming of the oral and fascial muscles
Medical specialist trained in diagnosis, management and treatment for babies, children and teenagers.
Dental healthcare professionals including general dentist, dental hygienist, dental therapist, oral health therapist and dental specialists.